January 5th I had a pretty simple surgery to have a Sub-Q ICD implanted. I’m a heart failure patient, and that means I’m at a higher risk for life-threatening arrhythmia, having my heart stop, dropping dead, etc, blah blah blah. (Back story here.) An ICD is a wire-and-battery-pack device that detects heart problems and does […]
Category Archives: Idea Only
Parenting, Defined
Baby: 1. Infant. 2. Youngest child. Note: May be defined as a 50 pound, almost 6 year-old who wears a size 7-8. Bedtime: The primary time of day a child experiences bodily ailments that would prevent her from doing fun stuff at any other time. Coffee: Beverage, usually served hot, that functions as the exclusive reason for getting out […]