So, leave it to the BBC to perfectly sum up how I understand Christmas. I know, those Brits are always so warm and fuzzy. Not. I love this: Vicar of Dibley, aside from being a funny and intelligent TV show starring the incomparable Dawn French, has pretty much nailed my entire understanding of religion in one quick monologue, flanked by vulgar […]
Category Archives: Published
Under New (Behavior) Management?
So, I let the elder offspring give this letter to her teacher: Parents, teachers, and friends, I need you to tell me what you think of that move. Here’s the background: I have the feeling that my kid has been put in the ‘rough’ class several times now, probably because she can fend for herself academically […]
Spotify and the Music Streaming “Problem”
Taylor Swift made news this week by pulling her entire catalog of music from Spotify. “…I just don’t agree with perpetuating the perception that music has no value and should be free”, says Ms. Swift in the Us Weekly article linked above. Oh, Taylor. You have it so very wrong. The model for the production […]
Leave my 2nd grader alone, Arne Duncan
This quote and stunning portrait of Secretary Duncan popped up on social media last week. It’s from his speech during a 2009 visit to a Brooklyn elementary school. It is, of course, taken out of context here. But that just means it’ll fit right in with every other quote on the internet, ever. Here’s a post about Mr. […]
Wedding Planner: Do Over Edition
I am not into event planning. Ask my daughter; she is (happily) getting a birthday “outing” next month for her 8th, in lieu of an actual party. Lately Pinterest likes to remind me that people I know, who are my age, are getting married now. In contrast, all my wedding decisions are set in 11 year-old stone. Now, on […]
Sometimes you’re the example…
…and sometimes you’re the cautionary tale. Follow My Example: Jersey suburbanites that we are, we pride ourselves on dragging bringing the kids along on outings in the city of Philadelphia. We feel it is an important center of American history and culture for the area, and they should experience this vibrant, growing metropolis. And Mommy and Daddy […]
Saturday Morning Cartoons are Dead
You just said, “What?” and realized that you’re actually quite old, right? Me too. According to blogger Robert Sorokanich at Gizmodo, the last Saturday morning cartoon on broadcast TV aired last weekend. No, really. The CW networked was the last hold-out, switching their block of anime-style toons over to the “educational programming” that is mandated by […]
Baby Poser
Because I’m awful… But so are these. Enjoy… Moments later, baby Emily was tragically crushed by the ostrich returning to its nest. Sure, but if a grown man wears this cute outfit, everybody assumes he’s a stripper. Because she wanted the happy, incident-free life of Daisy Buchanan. The bow says “I’m Mommy’s princess!”, but the face […]